Mercearia Long Fong ReBranding
Art Direction
The owner The project redesigned the whole range packaging of Mercearia Long Fong. Given that the brand name contains the words "Long Fong” (meaning Dragon and Phoenix), which are popular mascots in Chinese culture with clear symbolism, we used the simplified versions of the creatures’ patterns as the key visuals of the packages.
Meanwhile, due to the wide range of Long Fong products, to more systematically use and connect with the vivid images of Dragon and Phoenix, we drew inspiration from the color of costumes in Cantonese Opera, which is an intangible cultural heritage in Macao. The incorporated elements from the Opera’s costumes constitute the unique visual language of the packages, with each appearing as a gift of vigor.
這是為澳門開業超過六十多年的中式餅店重新設計及規畫所有包裝,目標是為品牌注入新的活力,及建立該店獨有的品牌視覺語言。在包裝配色方面,為了更多有系統的應用 及 連結「龍鳳」這種活靈活現的境象;我們引用了與製餅工藝 同為非物質文化遺產「粵劇表演 」中的服飾作為配色靈感;粵劇中的每個角色的服裝表現其人物性格、身份背景的特徵,角色之間的區分性很明顯及色彩配搭非常鮮明。 包裝中融入粵劇的服飾文化,為品牌建立更獨有視覺語言,讓每一份包裝都像豐生命力的禮盒。
Mercearia Long Fong
The owner The project redesigned the whole range packaging of Mercearia Long Fong. Given that the brand name contains the words "Long Fong” (meaning Dragon and Phoenix), which are popular mascots in Chinese culture with clear symbolism, we used the simplified versions of the creatures’ patterns as the key visuals of the packages.
這是為澳門開業超過六十多年的中式餅店重新設計及規畫所有包裝,目標是為品牌注入新的活力,及建立該店獨有的品牌視覺語言。在包裝配色方面,以為非物質文化遺產「粵劇表演 」中的服飾作為配色靈感;融入包裝之中,為品牌建立更獨有視覺語言,讓每一份包裝都像豐生命力的禮盒。
Photography by chenstudio